Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Flowers, Turtles, and More at Point Defiance Park - a photo tour

Spring officially arrived this week, and here in Tacoma the sun came out on Wednesday. Never knowing how long it would last, I took the afternoon off to photograph the first signs of spring at Point Defiance Park. Enjoy!

Spring daffodils brighten the landscape.

These flowers might appear large but are actually a low-growing ground cover among the roses.

Daffodils add color before these roses come into their season.

Forsythia is one of spring's earliest blooming shrubs in the Northwest.

This is an early variety of rhododendron, the Washington State Flower.
Turtles came out to sun themselves on this rock in the pond.
Notice the little turtle attempting to climb onto the rock.

"I think I can. I think I can..."

"Whew! I finally made it up here!"

View toward the pond, from just inside the park entrance

Map of Point Defiance Park and Zoo, behind glass at visitor's information booth

All text and photos in this blog post are copyrighted by Candace J. Brown 2011


  1. Delightful, bright and cheerful, beautifully presented. Thank you for sharing the spirit inspired by natures renewal ... SPRING! Always my favorite time of year.

  2. I recently visited the pond and took a picture of the rock with a turtle and two ducks sharing it.
    At first I thought the turtle was a fake concrete one, but your photo shows the rock gets shared in more than one way!

    1. Hi Ron,

      I would love to see that photo and I think other readers would too. If you want to send it to me, I'll add it to this post or include it in a new one (giving you credit, of course) Thanks for writing and for reading my blog.



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