Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Garden in October

Brrrrrr. I love the Thirties when it comes to the jazz and antique cars, but I'm not so sure I'm ready for the thirties on my outdoor thermometer. By late afternoon yesterday I could feel the chill that would come in the night. I'm starting to sense with each passing day, as I watch leaves fall and see the hydrangeas fade into shades of mauve, that time is short for this most glorious part of autumn. Already I begin to think of kettles of soup, knitting wool hats, and preparing for the holidays.

But this week, my husband and I spent some happy hours in our Tacoma garden, trimming and weeding, and saying goodbye to the blooms we've nurtured through a too-short summer that turned into fall. Today I want to share some photos taken that day. I know I will return to look at them in a few weeks, when November wind and rain have stripped the trees bare and my plants lie in repose under blankets of mulch. Enjoy!

All photos by Candace Brown  Copyright Candace Brown 2010


  1. Melanie Kirk-StaufferOctober 25, 2011 at 1:29 PM

    Thank you. I love the colors of fall. We are surrounded by beauty.

  2. Nice blog Candace mine is lakeforestpark.blogspot.com

    I love your photos
    Elsa Bouman


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