Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Northwest Artists - Enter to WIN $500 in Proctor Arts Fest Poster Contest

Artwork by 2009 poster contest winner Janette Stiles 

Spring flowers are just starting to bloom here in the Northwest, but the Proctor Arts Fest Committee in Tacoma is already busy planning another delightful festival during the warm days of late summer. On August 2, 2014, this popular one-day community festival will take over the Proctor Business District once again. That means another poster with bright and beautiful artwork to catch the eye is needed to promote this event. The committee invites Pacific Northwest artists to submit entries in the annual poster contest. The deadline for entering is April 15, 2014.

Artwork by Andrea Greenfield, 2012 poster contest winner.
Entries must be original works reflecting the spirit of a summer arts festival and submitted on a CD. This year, the winning artist will receive a $500 purchase award, an increase over last year. Art in any medium is permitted, with the exception of computer generated art. You can download a pdf. containing all the official rules and contact information by clicking here

It might be March, and still rainy, but get out those paints, pastels, etc., and create your own summer sunshine. Even if you don't win, it will make you happy. On the other hand, you could win, and that could make you, well, maybe even happier! Good luck! While in the Proctor District, remember to stop by the Proctor Art Gallery on 26th. 

Let these five winning posters from past contests inspire you.

Artwork by Janette Stiles,  2010 winner.
Artwork by 2013 winner,  Maura Desinone

Artwork by 2011 poster contest winner Jeffry Sart

I hope you will "like" Good Life Northwest on Facebook. 

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