Friday, November 7, 2014


November in the Northwest can mean going from a day with weather like you see in this video...

to the gorgeous day that was Friday, November 7, 2014.

photo by David R.Brown—taken in Puyallup WA
Please enjoy these photos and one of several poems titled "Autumn" written by the English poet John Clare (1793-1864).


by John Clare

    I love the fitful gust that shakes
    The casement all the day,
    And from the glossy elm tree takes
    The faded leaves away,
    Twirling them by the window pane
    With thousand others down the lane.

photo by Candace Brown 2014
    I love to see the shaking twig
    Dance till the shut of eve,
    The sparrow on the cottage rig,
    Whose chirp would make believe
    That Spring was just now flirting by
    In Summer's lap with flowers to lie.

photo by Candace Brown 2014
    I love to see the cottage smoke
    Curl upwards through the trees,
    The pigeons nestled round the cote
    On November days like these;
    The cock upon the dunghill crowing,
    The mill sails on the heath a-going.

photo by David R. Brown
    The feather from the raven's breast
    Falls on the stubble lea,
    The acorns near the old crow's nest
    Drop pattering down the tree;
    The grunting pigs, that wait for all,
    Scramble and hurry where they fall.

photo by David R. Brown 2014

photo by Candace Brown 2014
photo by Candace Brown 2014
photo by Candace Brown 2014
photo by Candace Brown 2014

Remember to pause and see the beauty all around you in unexpected places.

photo by Candace Brown 2014


  1. Great Post. I have a sick baby so I didn't get to enjoy this beautiful day. I am living vicariously through your photos!!!

  2. WOW! For a minute I thought I was in New England but then that beautiful Blue Spruce appeared among the leaves changing colors and I knew I was home in Tacoma! Your pictures are great. Good job!


Your comments, ideas and suggestions are welcome.