For the past fifty years the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie, Washington has offered kids and their families a chance to experience train travel like it was in the old days, thanks to the museum's interpretive railway program. This section of track, built in 1889 as the Seattle Lake Shore and Eastern Railway Company, was acquired as a branch line by Northern Pacific Railway in 1896, whose western headquarters resided in Tacoma. These days museum visitors spend about an hour chugging along through the scenic upper Snoqualmie Valley. This happens every weekend, April through October, plus during seasonal special events and school programs. In 2008 the riders who answered the call, "All aboard!" numbered 47,000. Nearly that many more visited the historic Snoqualmie Depot and the Conservation and Restoration Center, and learned from the museum's exhibits. But it's significance extends beyond a fun afternoon.

Although volunteers are still greatly appreciated, this problem can't be solved by volunteer labor alone. Much of the work requires special expertise and equipment and that means money. Damage costs are estimated to be at least $100,000. Because of policy changes, museums are no longer eligible for funding through F.E.M.A. for the types of repairs needed, even though they could prevent future damage. It's disconcerting to realize this is the second "hundred year flood" in two years, and one wonders about the impact of logging and development.
"The January 7th and 8th flood has been devastating for the Northwest Railway Museum. We are grateful for all the community support we are receiving and are hopeful that together we will be able to fully recover," Anderson said. He hopes readers will visit the museum website's secure online donation page, or mail donations to Northwest Railway Museum, P.O. box 459, Snoqualmie, WA 98065. For information you can call the museum at 425-888-3030 or email Anderson at It will just take a little bit from a lot of people to get this historic railway back on track. Please help spread the word.
Photos are used with permission from the Northwest Railway Museum. Please also see the train museum blog.
1 comment:
MARCH 2, 2009
TEL 206 296.8677
(King County, WA) – The 4Culture Board of Directors is pleased to approve a $50,000 emergency funding request to the Northwest Railway Museum to repair the damage caused by massive flooding earlier this year. On January 7 & 8, 2009, the Museum experienced serious, unprecedented flooding as a result of record snow runoff and rainfall resulting in widespread flood-related impacts, including water in the new Conservation and Restoration Center and damage to the Rayonier motor car, once used to carry loggers into the woods. However, the most costly impact involved loss of railroad track needed for the interpretive and revenue-generating railway programs throughout the year. Without track rehabilitation before the spring, the Museum risked losing funding for its programs and staff.
At their February meeting, the 4Culture Board of Directors reviewed and approved a $50,000 funding request from the Northwest Railway Museum to repair the rail damage. The request was made through the Heritage Cultural Facilities Emergency and Unforeseen Opportunity program and reviewed by the Heritage Advisory Committee before being recommended to the 4Culture Board.
To receive out-of-cycle facilities funding, Heritage Cultural Facility applicants must meet all eligibility requirements for the regular Facilities program, as well as explain how their project fits the definition of an Emergency or Unforeseen Opportunity. The Northwest Railway Museum successfully demonstrated the uniqueness of its interpretive railway to King County and its place as cornerstone of Snoqualmie’s historic downtown tourism-based economy. The $50,000 awarded by 4Culture will allow the Northwest Railway Museum to purchase railroad ballast, railroad ties, hardware and labor required to restore the interpretive railway to pre-flood conditions.
In addition to the 5-mile interpretive railway, damaged by the January floods, the Northwest Railway Museum currently owns and operates the fully-restored 1890 Snoqualmie Depot, a collection of 75 large rolling stock artifacts, and a Conservation and Restoration Center completed in 2006. The Museum is also developing a Railway History Center Train Shed, which will incorporate exhibition and collection storage space with projected completion in late 2009.
For more information about this project, contact Eric Taylor at 206-296-8688.
4Culture is a unique integration of the arts, heritage, preservation and public art; committed to advancing community through culture. Public exhibitions and performances, public art, preservation of significant sites and interpretation of local history deepen our connections to the places in which we live and work. 4Culture stimulates cultural activity and enhances the assets that distinguish a community as vibrant, unique and authentic.
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