Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Relax With These Photos of the Long Beach Penisula

I love my life as a freelance writer, but in July I worked on projects and articles non-stop until my small office seemed smaller than ever, and I grew restless. Just as I finished all my assignments, made my deadlines, and felt ready to collapse, Cousin Diane sent me an e-mail with an offer equivalent to winning the lottery. She invited me to spend a few days as her guest in a World Mark resort condo, in the town of Long Beach, WA. Two of her women relatives were there with us, and we "girls" had a wonderful visit. For the first time in months, I could finally, truly, relax.

Now that the heat of August is here, I'm remembering those breezes off the ocean, the sound of the surf, the mossy trees and fences, and the laid back feeling of this place, one of my favorite spots in the Northwest. Just in case you need to relax, I'm sharing some photos with you. Take a deep breath now, as we visit part of Ledbetter Point State Park.

This historic village on the east side of the Long Beach Peninsula has a fascinating history, beginning in the mid-1800s. It was once the county seat and a thriving center of commercial oyster harvesting. Now it is a place of rare peacefulness. Click on this link to learn more and read about a walking tour.

Looking north from our deck
Our condo as seen from the beach.
View to the east.

Evening walk at Long Beach.

There now. Don't you feel better?
You might also enjoy this earlier post about vacationing in Long Beach, including video of deer and shorebirds at sunset. 
All photos Copyright 2013 Candace J. Brown

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